Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Running Thoughts

Sorry I haven't blogged lately, I've been too busy procrastinating and being bored.

I got back from Easter in Walnut Creek the other day. It was great -saw the whole family. We went to Santa Cruz for my sister's birthday. It's a great, kinda shady place. It's like if you took Santa Monica, moved it up the coast a couple hundred miles, made it less famous and glamorous, and added even more stoners and groups of Mexican high schoolers walking around doing nothing. Needless to say, I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

Walnut Creek was very noticeably green - and I'm a northwest kid. It reminded me of Scotland with its rolling green hills and In'n'Out Burgers. I miss Scotland.

I lost my cell phone in SFO which sucks. And then my iPod battery ran out on the way back so I couldn't watch the Office even though my mom made sure we could still make the plane in case the plane departed two hours early. So, I'm pretty much saying I'm the most unfortunate person alive; no one has it touher than me. The Office is good, though.

Spring quarter has been alright. My classes are decently interesting and fairly challenging, so its been 'aight. Y'all.

Today, Brennan created a player for his Portland Trailblazers franchise on NBA 2k6 named Jesus Christ. This long-haired, fully bearded white guy went 3 for 10 while I watched. Clearly, Jesus was cold. Brennan spent an hour practicing with Jesus trying to build up his skill and then forgot to save. Poetic justice, divine punishment, or Brennan is sorta a dumbass? You decide.

This is what happens on Wednesday nights when Lost isn't on. Lost is usually good, though.

Oo, something sorta interesting: two weeks ago, I caught an elbow to the mouth in a pickup basketball game. My front tooth which experienced considerable trauma from a kneeboard ten years ago was dislodged pretty bad, so it turns out I'm going to have to an oral sugeon and get a tooth transplant. The good news is I'll probably get to wear a Brendan Morrison type tooth flipper inbetween extraction and implantment operations. Plus, my new dentist looks like Mr. Rogers and wears lots of bow ties, except his right hand is half gone which makes him even cooler.
