Sunday, September 10, 2006

rockin' the suburbs

So I'm still in norcal for ten days before driving old lady Ranger to seattle to start kicking it at SeaPac U. I'm stoked - there are so many things that I'm looking forward to its crazy. Last weekend I drove the five-six hours down to LA to do a lil chillin' and illin' (i'm such a cracker) with my sister Sara who is a month into law school at USC. Law school is crazy, absolutely ridiculous amount of work. Is it in my future? Vegas has the odds at 2 to 1. If not law school, there'll almost certainly be grad school in my future. Either way, I'll be attending a div 1 school with a good football team. I got my priorities straight.

Walnut Creek (aka Dub C) is cool, though I technically live in Concord. I have fun though - there's so many slang terms for the area. Its also known as East Bay (eBay) or Contra Costa County (3C).

I like this area because I sorta feel like I'm in a city, but then I can also feel like I'm a very pretty, nice open area. I'm in the ultimate suburbia.

I know a couple people who live in the area from SPU but I'm not really good friends with them yet. Two of my friends have come and visited me here, which was fun, but otherwise its been mega low key. I'm sick of typing.
