Monday, August 08, 2005

Understanding in a Car Crash

"We don't stand a chance in this threadbare time." - Thursday, Understanding in a Car Crash

Felt that song is a little appropiate, considering the events of last night. I was driving with Jeff to go pick Kira up from her work at Earls when a car pulled out from a parking lot right into us. I veered left to avoid him, but he clipped us (corner to corner contact apparently) sending us skidding to the right, with all our momentum still moving forward. Well, beautiful ol'inertia keeps going as my mother's focus barrel rolls one complete turn, forunately leaving us right side up on our tires. This happened in a span of roughly 3-5 seconds. Fortunetly, Jeff and I were completely fine, kinda in shocked, kinda freaked out about what could've happened, kinda super stoked that we just executed a flawless barrel roll. The car is most likely totalled, and we had to spend a few hours strapped on stretchers with huge neck braces staring up boring ceilings - all precautionary measures. I got a couple scratchers here or there, am still digging out glass from my hair, and probably will be fairly sore in the morning, but other than that, am 100% healthy. I'm really choked that tomorrow's trip to Seattle to visit SPU, shop, and catch (fun to pun) a Mariners game is delayed though. But, with perspective, it's no biggie whatsoever.

Plenty of what if questions pop into my head - what if I was driving my pickup like usual instead of my mom's Focus (kinda random decision), what if the accident had occured after we picked up kira, with her or jeff in the back seat, what if I had been speeding, what if one of us was seriously hurt or worse - and I know we were really fortunate.

Lately, I've been almost bitter(not really the right word) about the privileges I've been gifted for no other reason except for being the result of the situation I was born into. So many things have just been handed to me on a silver platter. I feel somewhat resentful. There is so much suffering, so much pain, so much horror in the world. Why do i get so many gifts? My Grandpa Van Dyke always says that to those that have been given much, much is required, ya know, the whole Spiderman shpeel. I definetly know that pressure to make the most of my oppurtunities and help others. But the world is so unfair: I think 80-90% of who you are is determined by factors you can't control at all. Welp, chalk the gift of safety and health tonight up to these uncontrollable factors. Just another gift that adds on to responsibility I have to really make a difference in solving the problems of society's problems. This is just another reminder that 15-10% I control about the person I am better be full out, just givin' 'er, hardcore helpful and loving to this world. That's so much more important than anything else: my enjoyment, my temporary happines, my desires. After all, the world needs all the love and help it can get.

I hope God is real. He needs to be real.


dan brouwer said...

Yikes man, sounds scary.. glad both of you are ok though. Quite an interesting take on it all. "I hope there is a God" ... how bout I know there is a God. Maybe take this event as a way of God speaking to you, all bout faith.. and I know you've got that, and doubt is always around. Duno what i'm saying really...but just give'r for God too man, because he is real. Just look around.:D

Dave said...

See, when I look around, I see a lot of reasons to believe God _isn't_ real. There is so much pain and suffering, even witnessed from a person coming from a privileged situation like myself. So no, I don't know there is a God - partly because of all the pain in the world, partly because the only "spiritual experiences" i've ever had I've gotten the indentical feelings listening to really good music at times, especially at shows. Other reasons too, but that's whole 'nother essay. But yeah, definetly full of doubts over in this corner.

Andrew Bucholtz said...

Wow... pretty scary situation. I'm glad to hear that you came out of it all right. It must have been pretty freaky sitting in a hospital waiting to find out if you were hurt or not. Anyways,about the other part of your post: I can definitely identify, as I'm going through some similar doubts at the moment...

Stewart said...

Dave man, you rock. I love the love. Just give 'er, that's what Jesus did anyway, and nobody is denying that Jesus came and lived and died, not even those "professional historian" types. Knock em' dead out at SPU.
bless those blessings right on forward.

btw, there's a song about ripple rock by some obscure band but it was a little bit of history in a great song by a very non-mainstream artist and I thought you'd be impressed that I found it :)... but I can't even remember the artist name or song title cause I suck :( Anyway. Hopefully I'll see you again before you take off eh?
