Wednesday, October 12, 2005

catch for us the foxes

Okay, I swear, I have tried to write two posts since my last blog. Each time, I wrote a single paragraph, left from the computer, genuinely intending (really) on returning to complete with more beautiful writing only to forget completely about blogging or anything to do with that. Unfortunetly, these lost paragraphs have disappeared into the hidden mountain of lost cyber material. But, to dissuade all rumours (I debated for awhile whether or not to include the 'u'), I would like to make two things very clear: a) I am not dead (though to all 'da fly hunnies hoping for some sweet david love I might as well be ;)), and b) Seattle, and spefically SPU, is very very very ace.

So to be very brief: my classes are good, my floor and my dorm is good, my job pays good, the scene is so so good (going to Coheed and Cambria and mewithoutYou tonight), my relationship with kira is good, my new people are good, my vegetarianism is good, and, as always, I look so ridiculously good. Much love from Sixth Ashton, I'll be back very very soon.

Edit: oh, and Brennan is good. He's still not down with pushing the beds together, but I'll win him over soon enough.


Mr. H said...

oh silver fox, the mullet of seniors. Anyways, dave, it's so very good to hear from you again. I'm glad that your time and SPU is going well, and i've very happy you included that 'u' in "rumours" it's just colours you, and gives you more honour in general. Why would American's want to take way the 'u'? Because they're selfish that's why, with no 'u' there can only be 'me.'

Stewart said...

I'm with adam! I can't believe he's doing that to you. Doesn't he know how integral that sort of bonding is for a relationship?
I'll tell you what dave, you wake up at 3:00am one morning and hop in bed with him and take special note of his reaction in the morning when he wakes up. That'll be the true indicator of his inner feelings :) I think its all just a facade pretending he's too "manly" or what have you.... who knows, maybe he's wary of rumours being started about the two of you? :) take care dave. love ya pal.


dan brouwer said...

Dave at least you don't have to sleep at adam's house with crappy thankful for that! Adam just gives you a sheet for sleeping, thats pretty lame. I like you though man, good to hear from you keep posting.