Thursday, January 19, 2006

Almost two months later....

I figured since Stewie would break up with me if I didn't blog today, I figured I throw a bone to all of ya and dust off the blogging machine after a two month absence. Two months, eh? I'll be brief...
So after throwing together an insanely high number of hours studied for finals, I pulled together some solid grades achieving the sexy 4.0 gpa I had been lusting after all quarter. What's sexy about a 4.0? Welp, I've been finding myself wearing glasses and knee-high socks, reading fantasy books, talking with a lisp, and playing World of Warcraft. My new role model is now Neil Goldman. Sexshy. This quarter I have two really boring classes (arts and christian community and biology of human motion), and one really interesting one (intro to politics), so I'm finding myself less motivated.
Alright, I need to go find something else for me to do to keep procrastinating from writing a small politics paper, but I promise each and everyone of you I'll be back with more interesting gossip (you'll never guess who has gotten fat). Enjoy the commercials.


dan brouwer said...

I thought you died

Stewart said...

I love it Dave. Don't tell me kira is letting her weight get out of control again!

(kira that's a joke. You are beautiful.)

Andrew Bucholtz said...

So Neil, got a Segway that you have to find parking for at X-Men conventions yet?;)

dan brouwer said...

don't think so...its ok andrew we all make mistakes...well not me or adam..or anyone else really...but its still yeah

Andrew Bucholtz said...

Wow, either you guys don't watch Family Guy, or you completely didn't read Dave's post... hopefully he'll at least get it.

Dave said...

No worries Boosh, your humo(u)r didn't go to waste buddy.