Saturday, March 11, 2006

Finals, March Madness, and Slamming James for No Reason Except Jealousy

So this upcoming week is finals week here at SPU. I've got a bio and politics final on monday, and a take home final due tuesday for my ucor. This past week I was also accepted into University Scholars, which is the honors program. This means a couple things - first, I'll probably start blogging more because I'll have a lot more reading and papers to write so I'll need to procrastinate and distract myself more. Second, my U-Core and Biology classes I unfortunately took this quarter are now almost worthless, but I won't have to waste future time on common and exploratory curriculum. Instead, I can work towards the honors curriculum and my (probable) majors of political science and philosophy and, hopefully if I have room, a minor of sociology, but that may be far too ambitious.

Enough with my life, lets move on to something interesting. Our Seattle Pacific men's basketball team is in the midst of a great season, and, as an Orangemen (6th West Ashton tradition), I have a front row view. As GNAC (Great Northwest Athletic Conference, "gee-nack") champions and the top seed in the West, SPU was awarded host of the men's west regional. This is the third time its happened in the past 41 years. Anyways, the Big Dance works a little differently in Division II basketball than in Division I. In DII, there 8 regions instead of four, and after winning your region you advance to some centrally located host city to play in the Elite Eight, instead of the Final Four. Well after victories over Central Washington and Cal State Bakersfield last night and tonight repectively, we're on to the sweet sixteen, the regional championship, against our archrival Western Washington at Seattle Pacific's Royal Broughm Pavillion, and I am pee-my-pants excited.

Action shot of the Orangmen at work (from left) Sam Delay driving the bus to V-town, Geoff "Jersey" Jacobs basking in the ecstasy of the three, Jake "Peer Advisor" Buter knew it all along, and David "Slutbag" Van Hofwegen peeing his pants for Dustin Bremerman's three ball

Dustin Bremerman makes me weak in the knees. Not only does the silky-smooth guard sort of look like an attractive James Harskamp, he's money from trey-land. Though not as flashy as GNAC player of the year and point guard Tony Binelli or as dominating as center "GNAC Shaq" Robbie Will, Dustin effortlessly throws up 20 point performances. Plus, his middle name's Tyrel - ya know, like the White Rock star who set the RCMP tourney scoring record because James was guarding him.

That's all kiddies, I'm back to the books and looking forward to an intense Monday night.

Edit: James likes girls.....and he plays World of Warcraft.


Stewart said...

dave, your blog always brightens my day buddy. Always good for a hearty chuckle. Good to hear you're excited about good basketball...
james is gonna start raggin on your hideous ear adornments :p

dan brouwer said...

Might be Brennan..

Mr. H said...

First of all, even if that guy does look like me, the resemblence should throw you off based on the fact that a) I can't shoot from "trey-land" b) I've dyed my hair black and got 4 piercings c) Insert point here. Likewise, I had a great first quarter defending Tyrel. He only got 6 points in that quarter and after "Neil" or "Drew" came in, he started getting warmed up. Chappy, put me in.

Final comment: Yes, i do like girls and I play warcraft.
/end post

Stewart said...

great defence james. smashing.

Abby Mommy said...

will you guys ever change? oh please you are like this till you are 50 I will be very impressed!