Sunday, October 29, 2006


Hey, whats up, I'm blogging right now. You know what that means - yep, midterms and papers. Time to spend hours procrastinating setting up my fantasy football lineup, looking for a way to trade for Rasheed Wallace in my NBA league, checking out which bands are coming to Seattle in February, and, of course, to blog.

So I've been at SPU for over a month, and it's been a great start to sophmore year. First off, the new freshmen on my floor are legit - just a bunch of really fun, enthusiastic cats. Plus, it's kinda funny for me to pretend I'm way older than them (because it feels that way with an extra year of college experience under my belt) when half of them are actually older than me. A couple of the kiddies turned 19 a little bit ago leading me to reminisce about all the great times I had back in the day when I was 19 - which I'll turn in a month and half. What can I say? I'm just so unbelievably mature and good looking for my age. Plus, I have a great singing voice.

I'm finding being a sophmore is heckuva lot busier than being a freshman, but I think its mainly because I'm getting more involved. I'm writing an opinions column for our weekly student newspaper, The Falcon (which I may or may not post here on occasion, look below for one or two); tutoring some elementary school kids in an underprivileged, predominantly african-american neighborhood; incorrectly using semi-colons; leading a small group of freshmen with my ex-roommate Brennan; getting involved with some of the groups and clubs around campus like Young Democrats; and playing intramural football (which is amazing) and volleyball (which is 'aight).

On the spiritual side of things, God is doing something special on our floor. It's exciting. I've been hearing so many stories of people just really changing over the summer and just getting really excited to grow and mature in relationships with eachother toward God. It's hard to explain, but there's just a different feeling to the floor this year. Almost everyone's in a small group, almost everyone shows up for floor worship in our balcony lounge, and just a ton of awesome events are being organized. Last year was all swell and good, but there's something pretty awesome here as we all begin to grow together. Any pray for this to continue up here on Sixth West would be legit.

Anyways, back to work. I love you all, even James.
-Thirty Foot Cliff


dan brouwer said...

Dave you're the man, I miss you pal. Glad to hear you're doing well! Take care man

Mr. H said...

Sweet glory Dave, it's fantastic to hear that you're doing well. Props to using "legit" twice in that post. Well done. You're a babe, keep up the good work.

Stewart said...

thirty foot, I'm so pumped to hear that the fire is blazin at spu. I love you bro.

Dave said...

Hey david

Mr. H said...

david smells like radishes

dan brouwer said...

I like radishes..