Thursday, July 28, 2005


So I went down to Seattle today to register for classes and stuff like that. Got me really pumped for September, but I'm kinda bummed that its still two months away. The trip, however, did remind me one of the major benefits to SPU - the 3-2 girls-to-guys ratio. And the talent pool is deep, my friend, the talent pool is VERY deep. So it was definetly sweet to meet people, make friends, and all that social jazz which I'm super pumped for. Definetly super looking forward to some sweet times.

As far as classes go, I'm currently registered for a U-Seminar on contemporary contreversies in ethics which explores moral issues such as gay rights, abortion, death penalty and the like. Gonna be some good times, but I'll prolly make a few enemies as a result of my super passionate, competetive debate style (Sorry again tamlin for scaring you at salt spring island). Anyways, thanks to a decisive game of rock, paper, scissors with the ever so lovely Tarra, I also have General Psych, which I might drop for something else, seeing as its an 8 AM class, and Foundations of Social Services which is a 2000-level class. I'm on the waiting list for both a Chritianity and American Politics class and a Intro to Sociology class, which if I get into I'll prolly drop Psych.

Anyways, to clear it up, my schedule looks like this:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
8 - 9:20: General Psych
9:30 - 10:50: USem

Tuesday, Thursday:
10:30 - 12:50: Foundations of Social Services

So it'll be nice having free afternoons and evenings. I was hoping to get into the Christianity and American Politics, which would've given me classes only on Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings, leaving me with a day and half between any classes. But I'm happy with this schedule too.

Stay classy,

P.S. Anyone want to decide my major? Future career? Whether to save my sandwich for lunch tomorrow or eat it later tonight? Please?

1 comment:

Andrew Bucholtz said...

Major? I'd say to go with political science: will help you in your quest to become president and then turn the U.S. into a socialist utopia;)! However, you'd better make sure that those swimming pics you took don't leak, or the right wing will crucify you...