Tuesday, November 01, 2005


So I'm back blogging, for the sole reason that this preferable to studying for my psychology test on Friday. Speaking of tests, I had two biggies on Monday, which wasn't very nice because some Kira girl was down for the weekend from Friday morning til Monday afternoon. But, considering the context, I laid 'em downizzle. The tests, I mean, not Kira.

But yeah, my life is fitting together killer ace. I'm enjoying my classes, but I still don't really know what I'm going to major in at all. Right now I'm having this huge passion for people, since I'm currently in Psychology and Sociology intro, which both are all about studying people, but with different approaches. Psychology focuses on the individual, where as sociology focuses on societies and cultures in general. Woo-hoo, y'all. Woo-hoo, indeed. Right now in my ethical contreversies class we're hitting up abortion. (My take: fetus not quite a person, abortion not murder, should not be prohibited by the state for a lot of reasons, yet still morally wrong in most circumstances). I'd love to talk more about this issue with any of you (Bucholtz) if you wanna hit me up.
College social life is something special, fo'sho' (but leaves me pretty deprived of sleep), Seattle is a special city and I love being in such a super urban campus with so much to do everywhere, and intramural sports (playing saturday morning football and monday night volleyball) are a real good time. So yeah, life is fun and good, which is nice, and not always true, so it's nice to enjoy it while it lasts while trying to remember what's really important and happening in the world. Life is full of beauty and pain everywhere, and I think it's just as important to remember the pain happening all over the place while immersed in the beauty as it is to remember all the beauty while immersed in the pain. But yeah, I'm talking like I have any idea what I'm talking about, which I really don't, ever.

Ooo, good story: So I met this girl Andrea from Linden, Washington about a week and half ago. Well, we're hanging out for awhile and it comes out that she has a lot of family from Denver, which is cool because I have a lot of family from Denver, since that's where my mom grew up. Well, it turns out our grandparents go to the same church and her dad and my mom went to the same high school about the same time. The next morning, during chuch listening to a sermon by a pastor who I swear is related to Robbie Kim somehow, it suddenly hit me that during the summer of '04, my mom went down to a funeral in Linden of a man who she went to high school with and whose parents were a very good family friend. Well it turns out that was Andrea's dad who passed away and our families have all these connections together, which was pretty cool. Since then, her and I have gotten to become really good friends which is awesome, and I think it was really cool for her to meet some people who know her dad and all these super inspiring stories about him. My heart goes out to all of the people I've met who have lost a parent, but, for the most part, these friends are some of the strongest, most mature, and inspiring people I've ever met. So thank you, friends, for your impact on me and I want to know I think about all y'alls a lot. When something super hard and difficult happens in your life, you can either let it make you or break you, and I've met a lot of people who've let their circumstances make them instead of break them. Inspiring stuff.


dan brouwer said...

dave you say y'all too much..stop it. come on eh?!

Dave said...

haha, it's not an American thing, my prof from texas uses it all the time, so I figured i'd throw it in there to get the American reactions.

Mr. H said...

Yeah, I've found university hard on the sleep too. I tried in the begining to get at least 8 hours, because you just feel better. But when everybody stays up to 3, your social life suffers when you got to bed at 12. So, the napping comes into effect, and life is good.

Andrew Bucholtz said...

Actually, you'd be surprised in that you won't get much of an arguement out of me on the abortion issue: I think pretty similarily to you (I wouldn't encourage anyone to have one, but I can see plenty of reasons for not banning them altogether). Anyways, are you finding any good discussions on campus? Here, it seems to be mostly lefties,(including my roomate, lol) so I'm somewhat outnumbered (you'd feel right at home, though): still get in some good debates, but it seems the cool new left thing to show their tolerance is to be intolerant of the right... We'll have to get in a good arguement over Christmas or something, I've missed them.