Wednesday, February 15, 2006

...and Andrew thinks I'm anti-Semitic

A couple things: if you're looking to add something to your reads, check out My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok - a powerful novel about the battle of religion, family and tradition intertwined against inner impulses, gifts, and expression - emotional and profound. It's one of those stories that just gets you, ya know? impacts you in ways only really good stories can. This one was special as well because I think most people who grow up in religious families can relate Asher in some way.

Lost is seriously scaring me - I feel like the creators are on the verge of losing control. Such a brilliant show with so much potential, and there's a very good chance it'll all go down the tube. I blame the Bush Administration.

Third, expect a long post about Alexis de Tocqueville and my future soon. Also, I'll finally get on getting some pictures out on here.


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