Thursday, February 09, 2006

Doesn't matter if you're Canadian....

Dear Friends, I just took action to protect our National Parks, will you join me? The Bush administration has launched yet another stealth attack on America's most treasured wild places - our National Parks. Their plan would dramatically reduce protections for our parks,which could lead to increased off-road vehicle use, additionalcommercialization, smog and other forms of degradation. These changes could erode the look and feel of places likeYellowstone, Yosemite, and the Grand Canyon. We only have until February 18 to weigh in on this outrageous proposal - click thelink below to submit your comments now.

From the vast depths of the Grand Canyon to the majestic peaksof the Grand Tetons, America's National Parks are breathtakingnatural treasures. For almost a century, our National Parks havebeen protected by the strictest standards designed to safeguardtheir historical, archeological and natural value. Without any justification or explanation for changing the wayour parks are managed, the new proposal would fundamentally weaken key protections and dilute the Park Service's coremission of conservation.

For generations Americans have been confident that despite shifts in political climate, our National Parks will remainprotected and pristine. We cannot let this administration be the first to abandon the spirit of conservation that has been thecornerstone of the park service mission.We still have a chance to prevent this dangerous surgery on ournational parks, but only if you take action quickly. The deadline to submit comments on this proposal is February 18,2005, so please don't wait - click here to submit your comments now!
Thank you for your help.

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