Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Thugged out

So I'm just innocently travelling the harsh streets of downtown Seattle - Ya know, finding homes for the homeless, families for the orphans, and food for the hungry - the usual Tuesday night for me.

Unfortunately, an evil neo-Nazi drug dealing Satan worshiping corporate thug was out on the s ame street stealing these helpless people to make money and somehow increase global poverty through torturing them. I was just like, "Dude, you can't do that."

And he was just like, "What?" and then he shot my in the face - thus, the bloody brow. Then, I ate some spinach and convinced him to convert to Christianity through non-violent protest. Happy day.


Stewart said...

what happened to the spectacular jedi moves? I guess even Jedi get a bit rusty sitting in a classroom 24/7. That's gonna leave a nice eyebrow scar... I wish I had an eyebrow scar...

Abby Mommy said...

k i am so shot..what do you mean, did he punch you?

Dave said...

No, with a hand gun.