Tuesday, April 17, 2007

a moment with david's privileged life

It is almost 2:30 AM, I just destroyed a T-Bell grilled 'stuft' burrito, and I'm reading (and enjoying) Friedrich Nietzsche in my dormroom while listening to Explosions in the Sky. This is a college moment to remember. I'd thought I'd share this simple, silent happiness with you.


dan brouwer said...

Hmm..those are good moments. The type of things you know you wouldn't be doing at home so freely. Explosions in the Sky..nice.

Mr. H said...

Agreed, Explosions is good shit and I quite often have it plaing while I titrate, but I find Friedrich Nietzsche a bit depressing.

Cinda said...

David....Hi how are you doing? Its Cinda don't know if you remeber me, just thought I'd drop a note to see how you are..