Wednesday, June 20, 2007

at least i blog more (and look better) than adam...

This'll just be a quickie:

Spring quarter was the academically hardest of my life, but it was definetly a valuable and positive experience. Two poli sci and two philosophy. I narrowed my poli sci major to the international affairs track, and am probably just going to minor in philosophy because I decided I wanted to mix in a little more sociology. I love philosophy, but I view more as a means than an end and more of a hobby or interest than a life pursuit.

Round two, I'm pretty excited to go to France this summer through SPU's poli sci department. I'm there from july 13 til august 13. Then, I leave august 28 to study abroad in the Middle East for fall semester. I'm going through the CCCU so it'll be a mix of 15 or so students from christian colleges and universities in north america. We'll be living in Cairo, but we'll take several trips to other countries like syria, israel, jordan, lebanon, and turkey. I'm pumped but a little apprehensive.

Right now I'm in sun river, oregon with my family sans Sara staying at my aunt's vacation house. It's pretty rad resort town in the woods by mt bachelor and on the Deschutes river. We've just been doing the usual sort of vacation things- a lil hiking, a lil mountain biking, a lil tennis, a lil swimming. It's rad. In a couple days, I'll be shooting up to Gerbs' cabin via seattle and surrey. then from there, i swing through seattle and pick up the lovely julianna and we head to walnut creek, CA to stay with my parents. Sick beans.

In the paraphrased words of Ron Burgundy, "I know its boring,'s my life"

p.s. adam sucks


Mr. H said...

Sounds fun. Travel city. Hahaha. Dan sucks.

dan brouwer said...

Cabin was a wonderful time man, it was good to see you again. Say hi to Jules. hope your travels are excellent. dan sucks....ah shit.